This is an entertaining workshop brought to you by local U.K. native Richard Hill. If you would like your students to improve their English pronunciation, then this will be a great start. Richard presents only in English but with visual help on screen. The focus of the workshop is an overview of basic English pronunciation but includes one or two more advanced tips to keep everyone interested. Participants are encouraged to join in and speak, ask questions and work in pairs and small groups.
I must say I was suprised that even the shy ones who don’t usually speak at lessons….spoke happily at your workshop…they must have felt relaxed And welcome . Thanks IT was an excellent job very professional. I am grateful to you.
Jana Kotzinová – Kladno Sportovní Gymnázium

The workshop usually lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours but can be adapted to suit the needs of your students and time. If you are travelling out of school for the workshop (excursion), it takes place in the Nově Strašecí Kulturní Centrum.
If your school is a recipient of the šablona grant scheme, you can pay for this workshop using the šablona system. There are two options at the moment. the first is an in-school workshop and the second is a school trip which must be a minimum of 10km away from your school. The second of these options qualifies you to use šablon 2. We can provide you with a few written paragraphs that you can adapt to suit your needs when filling out the šablon forms.
Please see the frequently asked questions below but if you have any further requests for information or would simply like an informal chat about how to proceed, please do contact us.
For what age group are these workshops?
Young people aged 13-17. School years 7-9.
How many students is the workshop for?
Up to 30 students per workshop.
How long does the workshop last?
Excursion – A minimum of 1.5 hours, maximum 2 hours.
In your school – we can discuss and agree on a suitable length of time but ideally 2 x 45 mins lessons.
Where does the workshop take place?
Excursion – In the Nové Strašecí Kulturní Centrum.
Or in your school.
How much does it cost?
It depends on the number of students, length of the workshop. Contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss your requirements.