Angličtina Nové Strašecí. An entertaining one hour workshop
brought to you by local U.K. native Richard Hill at Hostinec Na Růžku, Pecínov u Nového Strašecí, Středa, 24. Listopadu 2021 from 7pm.
If you would like to improve your English pronunciation, then this will be a great start. Single tickets are 175kč but two tickets and more are just 150 each so, be sure to bring a friend or two and let’s get Strašecko pronouncing properly.
- This workshop is for both adults and young people.
- Parents with children 11 years and older are very welcome to attend together and can help each other.
- I will be presenting only in English but with visual help on screen.
- The focus of the workshop is an overview of basic English pronunciation but includes one or two more advanced tips to keep everyone interested.
To pay using a credit/debit card or by PayPal: Please select the number of tickets you would like from the drop-down menu and then click Pay Now. Print your receipt or keep it on your phone to show at the entrance on the night.
If you do not have a PayPal account or credit card, please Click this button to reserve one or more places and pay directly by bank transfer or in cash on the door.
Hi Richard, my son and I really enjoyed your workshop. It was very
entertaining , this is your thing, because you are showman and great teacher too 🙂
We’re looking forward to next time. I hope with all my sons (3) 😉 See you, Eva
Many thanks Eva 🙂
Thank you Richard for the pronunciation workshop , which took place on November the 3rd in Nové Strašecí.
My son and I have found it very helpful , and my feeling is like everybody in the audience was relaxed and enjoyed the show. It was perfectly structured, with a visual presentation on the screen and moreover we all would see how a saber dance look like 🙂
I am looking forward to the next one.
My pleasure Vladimir, glad you could make it and that you found it both helpful and enjoyable 🙂
V+V Jíchovi – payed