Reserve your place

POSTPONED Idioms workshop – Kulturní dům, Nové Strašecí, POSTPONED.

Due to a little bit of a health scare last week, I have had to postpone the Idioms Workshop. The date is yet to be confirmed but you can still book your place now as the workshop should be on a Wednesday at 7pm as usual. We hope you can make it.  Each of our previous workshops has been well attended and word is starting to spread so make sure you get your place booked early.

Come and join me for an entertaining 1½  hour workshop on idioms, brought to you by me, a local U.K. native speaker.

If you would like to learn about English idioms and their Czech equivalents, then this will be a great start. Single tickets are 225Kč but two tickets and more are just 200 each so, be sure to bring a friend or two.

  • This workshop is for both adults and young people.
  • Parents with children 11 years and older are very welcome to attend together and can help each other.
  • I will be presenting only in English but with visual help on screen.

Participants are encouraged to join in and speak, ask questions and work in pairs and small groups. A chance to really ‘get to grips’ with idioms, this workshop is open to all however at least a pre-intermediate level of English is required as I will present in English.

To reserve your place, please only fill in the form below. (Please only do it once as due to a technical error, you might not get a confirmation message, but you will be registered) Tickets are 225Kč for one and 200Kč for 2 or more. Please make your payment by direct bank transfer to:
Cislo uctu: 670100-2209887203/6210   Variabilní symbol: 040522 Once payment is received your name will go on a guest list on the door.

Many thanks,


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