…video kurz Richarda je velmi nenásilný a svěží způsob jak se zbavit zbytečných chyb které každý z nás dělá. A nejspíše úplně bez povšimnutí….doporučuji !!!– Petr, Vodaphone
If you are like me, meaning speaking quite fluent English for many years but repeating the same mistakes over and over and not being sure about a proper English way to use certain words and expressions, this course is just for you. What I like the most about it is that it has been made in a very entertaining way, the videos are refreshing and NOT boring at all. And funny things are easy to remember! I actually managed to get happily through all 30 videos which cannot be said about most of the things that I enthusiastically started during my life…:-). I highly recommend it! – Vendula
Tento kurz je hodně dobrý pomocník, jak pro začátečníky, tak pokročilé, můžu vřele doporučit!– Marcel
This video course is very nice and friendly instrument for helping with English. Videos are great, they are not long so it is easy to concentrate all the time and also it is possible to repeat them several times per day if you want. There are not only information in videos. Richard there creates stories, pictures and funny situations and together with subtitles it all helps better to remember new words and their use and all new information. This course has been very helpful to me and I enjoyed the time spent with using it. I recomend it to all who wants to better their English.– Zuzka, Lektorka
Kurz Richarda je časově nenáročný, přitom velmi efektivní. Během krátké doby jsem schopná pochopit kde dělám chyby a jak se jim příště vyhnout. Kurz je velmi zábavný. Richard snadno zaujal moji pozornost nejen svým smyslem pro humor, ale i svojí vynalézavostí. A vždy se těším na další kapitolu. –Kristina Baudyšová, Terapeutka
Your videos are helpful for people who are not so confident in English yet. – Yvona