Better Your English Now – The Quick Fix for Your Czenglish

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videokurz anglictiny

Video Kurz angličtiny

I know that you will get massive value from this course so it will benefit you in many ways. It will help your English sound a little smoother and more intelligible. Take the course and see how quickly you improve. See how your enthusiasm levels rise and how you become inspired to learn more and increase your knowledge and confidence.

Welcome to the Better Your English Now online English video course. To find out more about the course and how it will help you correct your English mistakes read on…

How do you feel about your English?

Do you feel like you are not making progress? Making the same mistakes again and again? Want to know what the typical mistakes are that Czechs and Slovaks make? Right now you might be nervous about a class you need to take or lecture you have to give in English.

Some of my mistakes are just bad habits,

I know how something should be said

but when I am speaking I get it wrong.”

If you are a non-native English teacher, do you worry about your students understanding you? Are you just studying English for fun? Are you 100% sure that the English you are using is correct? Have you got an exam coming soon? Wouldn’t you love to open those emails and have the confidence to read them through and reply without just copy and pasting from Google? You want to:

  • improve your English quickly
  • make it stick
  • be able to learn at your own speed
  • in your own time
  • when and where it suits you
  • know that you are using a range of learning styles to help your memory and recall system

Continue to find out more…

Hell, why not make it fun too?

online English video course
My younger daughter Lucy, covered in yogurt!

Why does learning usually come with a big SERIOUS label around it’s neck? Our babies learn to walk, talk, eat and play (learn) with smiles on their faces. They are full of energy and enthusiasm for every moment, why is it different for adults and schoolchildren? This online English video course is designed to help you remember, smiling and hopefully laughing as you learn. The enjoyment factor is key because smiling and laughing releases serotonin which is a natural happiness chemical used in anti depressants. It’s proven that healthy serotonin levels help you to learn, remember and recall better. It is vital for a healthy memory. So, what you are looking for is:

  • a fresh, fun way that covers a range of learning styles
  • a course that provides you with new information and
  • uses techniques to help you remember and recall that new info

Here are some testimonials (recenze) from happy students.  

“…video kurz Richarda je velmi nenásilný a svěží způsob jak se zbavit zbytečných chyb které každý z nás dělá. A nejspíše úplně bez povšimnutí….doporučuji !!!” – Petr, Vodafone

Online English video course. Richard Hill English

You know the rule that says using two negatives = a positive but when it comes to conversation in English you forget the rule and say something like “I don’t know nothing”.(so do many native speakers!)

Or, you’re never sure when to use then, than or that. Is it if or when? And what about articles?

Maybe you are happy with your level of English, that’s great, you have plenty of confidence in your ability and you probably don’t need this course, but, if not…

…what can you do about it?

Grammar books can become boring, especially if you have nobody with whom to practise or explain things. Group courses can be too fast or too slow for you, audio courses use only one learning style. Google makes you lazy and phone apps are great for a week then you forget about them. You have to find the right way to learn so that you don’t stagnate. Stagnation leads to a lack of motivation that will kill your confidence, stop you from learning new things and you will continue to make the same mistakes. You want to understand and be understood.

What you don’t want

Not taking that holiday abroad, not getting that job, not feeling like you nailed the interview, worrying that your schoolkids or students won’t respect you and generally being shy or embarrassed about your Angličtina.

Take the FREE mini course here

Face to Face Conversation with a Native Speaker

Face to face, one to one English lessons with a native speaker are a great way to practise. They give you confidence, excite and inspire you, however, you are probably not learning as much as you would like. Why? One to one sessions with a native speaker are a great way to practise what you already know and an opportunity to ask your English teacher questions. However, it’s very easy to go with the flow and keep talking. Many of my clients love to speak and love to have deep conversations about all sorts of things. From travelling to family life and sports to spirituality it often seems like people tell me things in English they would never tell others in Czech.

Become Confident

Really, you need to become confident in your English. Then, you can be that person who walks into the interview, exam, class, lecture or seminar, knowing that you have the knowledge and understanding to do the best job you can. You want to be able to stand up in front of the room and deliver a lecture. You’d like to be able to talk with your students and think “I am confident in my ability”, “I am doing this”. Get that new job or promotion, impress your boss or students, win that contract, visit that country.  Read this article on 3 ways to boost your confidence. So, …

Who Am I?Richard Hill English online video course

I believe it takes a certain amount of skill, patience, understanding, empathy and genuine interest to be able to inspire and help motivate someone to better their English. A British native speaker trained in Multi Media and Communications, I spent many years studying, producing and teaching video as well as working on live broadcasts. Since moving to the Czech Republic seven years ago (from Cambridge, England, where I ran video workshops for adults and children with disabilities) I have been helping Czechs and Slovaks with their angličtina. Over the last two years I have also produced short videos and this …

Online English video course

Here are some of the most obvious difficulties that you are struggling with and explanations for how to correct them. But… it’s not just me, a talking head. I thought long and hard about how to create fun videos to help you remember and recall the information. I travelled to different locations, I got dressed up, I ran, I sang and I danced. Covering audio and video learning styles as well as reading, writing and kinesthetics, these videos have added course materials and action points. You can watch, listen, read, write, type and play as you learn, repeat, remember and recall. The course uses a proven learning technique called spaced repetition or distributed practice together with many learning styles. Your motivation to improve will be high because you will see results fast. You really can better your English now.

Included in the basic Better Your English Now Basic package is:

  • full access to the private section of my website containing the Better Your English Now online video course with over 30 videos
  • Another 20 bonus videos from my Monday Minute English Group
  • The Better Your English Now workbook to fill in as you watch
  • a private forum where you can ask questions and chat with other students
  • access to the course for 1 or 2 years to refresh whenever you want

By the end of this online English video course you will have corrected 30 of the most common mistakes Czechs and Slovaks make when speaking English. 

I know that you will get massive value from this course so it will benefit you in many ways, not least making your English sound a little smoother and more intelligible. Take the course and see how quickly you improve. See how your enthusiasm levels rise and how you become inspired to learn more and increase your knowledge and confidence. Don’t take the course and stay as you are, making the same mistakes and worrying if what you said was correct and what others think about your English. Click on the button below to register now.

P.S. Still not sure you should take this course? FAQs Have any questions?  Get in touch and email me here.

Satisfaction or Your Money Back

I truly want you to be satisfied with this course and sincerely hope that you enjoy it. If for some reason you feel that this course did not meet your expectations, I’ll give you your money back. If you’re not happy, I’m not happy.

8 Replies to “Better Your English Now – The Quick Fix for Your Czenglish”

  1. Ričrde Kopecký :))) … we would like to thank you very much for that. This course is very helpful and useful for us. We are very appreciate your effort to teach us English. I know it is “velká dřina” but this tool should bring fruit very soon! I strongly believe of that! Thank you.

  2. Richardovo kurzy jsou nápadité, zábavné, podané jednoduchou, ale hlavně logickou formou. Nejenom, že se velmi bavim, dozvídám se mnoho o gramatice na příkladech, které se dobře pamatují. Spojení obrazové formy s gramatikou přispívá také k lepšímu zapamatování. Vřele doporučuji všem, kteří chtějí postupovat dále a ne zůstat věčným začátečníkem. Michala

  3. Pokud se chcete pobavit a zároveň něco naučit a hlavně si to i pamatovat!…. pak mohu jen doporučit 😉 S Richardem je možné věci vědět a umět bez “biflování”, za což jsem mu velmi vděčná.

  4. English is easy with Easy English. Pamatujete tuhle reklamu? Nevím, jestli to byla pravda, nikdy jsem ten kurs neabsolvoval. Ale jedno je jisté: English is easy and veerrryy funny with Richard. Jeho kursy i facebookové Monday’s Minutes jsou super a velice vtipně Vám vysvětlí cokoliv, co potřebujete vědět.

  5. I have already been learning english more than 25 years by many ways.. Finally, thanks to Richard´s course, I realized my bad habits. The best on this course is that it is a “video” 🙂 Frankly speaking , when you read the english grammar, sometimes I miss a sense of its explanation and connection to the real life. What I found in videos is their contribution in utilization of the grammar in real situations which is much better understandable and rememberable than austere reading from the book…. Thanks to Richard´s videos, I finally learned usage of “borrow” and “lend” verbs :-)))) Honestly, I look forward to a new verision concerning the “Present perfect” …. Thaaanks Richiiiii that you are here for me :-)))) Jan

  6. Líbí se mi tento způsob učení. Je neuvěřitelné o jaké hloupé chyby většinou jde. Pomocí těchto super zábavných videolekcí od Richarda rychle zatočíte se špatnými návyky. Opravdu doporučuji!

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